Websites for Growers

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Garden Center Signage Solutions

'Mobilizing' an existing Clarity Developed Website

For those of you who 'cut corners' or 'were efficient with your time' (depending on how you look at it) when it came to studying, you'll get this analogy.  'A mobile site is to a standard (computer) site as CliffsNotes are to the original book.'   Mobile sites are designed to load quickly and look good on a smart phone's smaller screen.  As with CliffsNotes, a mobile site gives you the highlights and selected details.

Unlike Chia-Pets, Browsing the Internet from a Phone is not a fad.
Worldwide, there are roughly 5 times as many handhelds (mobile phones, Ipads, etc.) accessing the Internet as there are computers.  64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind, up from 35% in the spring of 2011. Smartphone ownership is especially high among younger Americans, as well as those with relatively high income and education levels.

We can create a mobile friendly site for our existing customers to make sure you have the ability to reach those who do most, if not all, of their Internet browsing on a mobile device.

Major Differences between a Mobile and Computer Site
Mobile friendly sites typically do NOT contain all of the information and certainly not all the graphics or bells and whistles from the primary site. In particular, most mobile devices do not support FLASH, so very little animation is used on mobile sites. Additionally, lengthy forms are more difficult to complete on a smart phone. One other item to consider is the amount of information you have in attachments. Most mobile users prefer to read the content directly on the page vs. downloading an attachment and having to store it on the phone and open it with another applicaton.

White backgrounds and reducing the size of the website header, including your logo, are strongly recommended.

What about Google?
As many of you know, Google is prioritizing mobile website content over non-mobile website content for people searching from a mobile device. A Clarity Connect developed mobile site will meet Google's requirement. 

You can test your site to see how mobile friendly your site is on

Websites Built to Meet Objectives

A website from Clarity Connect provides the tools needed to reach your business goals. 

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Websites for Garden Centers

We have marketing solutions for all types of businesses - from single location, locally owned garden centers to multiple location, regional chains. 

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