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GWS Acer: Home Page Editor

With 15 different content areas for your home page that you can turn on and off and sequence on the page, you have virtually unlimited home page options. You can navigate this tools functionality as follows:

  • GENERAL Tab: Displays all of the active content sections in the left-hand column and all 15 potential content sections in the right-hand column.
  • IMAGES Tab: If you have activated either the Callout - Image Right or Callout - Image Left content sections, you will upload the corresponding images for those sections on the IMAGES tab.
  • META TAGS Tab: Add the Page Title, Keywords and Description
  • Active: Click the box to the left of the content sections to toggle on/off what displays on your home page.
  • Content Widget: This is the name of each content section. By default, it does not show in the left-hand column unless it is checked. However, if you click the Content Widget Name of a non-active record, it will display in the left-hand column. This allows you to work on a section before it displays on your home page. Clicking the name again will close it down in the left-hand column.
  • Sort: Use the up/down arrow graphic in the sort column to drag and drop Content Sections to display in your preferred order on the home page.
  • SAVE CHANGES: After you make changes, be sure to Save your work.

The 15 Content Sections/Widgets are:

  • Best Sellers
  • Breeder/Supplier Logos
  • Call To Action
  • Callout - Image Left
  • Callout - Image Right
  • Counter
  • Embed YouTube Video
  • Gallery / Portfolio
  • Hot Deals
  • Meet Our Team
  • Newest Plants
  • Plant Categories
  • Recent Blog Posts
  • Testimonials
  • What We Do

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