User Manual  »   Blog Editor  »  

Blog Editor: Overview

From the main User Interface, you can:

  • Narrow the visible blog entries by Author.
  • Filter the visible blog entries by tags. For example, see all blogs tagged with 'New Introductions'.
  • Filter the records by blog title. This is helpful when you have a large number of active records.
    For example, you could type 'Perennial', and only the blogs with 'Perennial' anywhere in the title would display.
  • Quickly go to a specific blog by entering the record number, which is shown in parenthesis after the record name.
  • You can see all records created 'On or Before' or 'On or After' the date you enter.
  • Inactive Blogs are in the left-hand column and do not display on your website.
  • Published Blogs in the right-hand column display on your website unless the blog's publish date is in the future.
    For example, if it is March 1, 2023, and you have a published blog with a publish date of October 15, 2023, it will not display on your website until October 15th.
  • Click ADD NEW to create a new blog entry.
  • Click either an inactive or published blog name and then click EDIT to modify an existing blog.
  • Click either an inactive or published blog name and then click DELETE to permanently delete an existing blog.
    NOTE: This cannot be undone.
  • Click an inactive record and then click PUBLISH to move the blog to the Published list. If the publication date associated with the blog is not in the future, the blog will be immediately available on your site.
  • Click a published record and then click DEACTIVATE to move the blog to the Inactive list. 
  • The number in parenthesis is the unique ID of the Blog. It does not display on your website.

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Creating/Editing a Blog

Creating/Editing Blog Authors

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